Hi! I started writing this blog not 2 long ago as a way to capture all my thoughts, feelings and emotions, certainly, I am not the best at it but definitely will give it a try. My English is not so good, sorry, hopefully i can express myself just enough for you to enjoy my very little writing and message.
As I married my sweetheart and we had our first child 7years ago, Victoria, I’ve been writing slowly, photographing much more and videoing every now and then as a way to remember all of the little details that make up this crazy but amazing journey of Motherhood and entrepreneur special. We’ve become a family who is happiest when we are out and about exploring new and exciting places and adventures. It’s so funny because I used to be such a homely sort of person and whilst I definitely still love being at home – all snug in my comfy clothes, I have discovered how important and how magical it is to get out and have fun and exciting moments as a family. Stay tuned, let’s see how this baby BLOG project evolves, can’t wait to keep sharing with you.
Hugs, Gaby
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